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Co-Founder Why

Momo and Mara met serendipitously, and though they live on opposite ends of the globe (Tokyo and California), they share a common vision for a better world. 

Both have been on healing journeys, and have discovered that when you take care of yourself, you’re able to show up for your communities and the earth more wholly. 

Which… is needed, now, more than ever. 

Using these tools for their own healing from depression and chronic illness, they believe in the transformative power of meditation, movement, and coaching as catalysts for social change. 

This is how Calliope was born. 

hummingbird near flowers

Calliope is a type of hummingbird. Our company name comes from an African folklore tale where a hummingbird collects water from a stream during a forest fire.

Drop, by drop she puts water on the flames. The bigger animals tell her she’ll never put the fire out this way. She replies, “I’m doing the best I can.” This inspires the other animals to take action, too. 

Our programs encourage positive community action, no matter how small, with the belief that we can create global change, one drop, or project, at a time… 

Calliope's Mission

Teaching individuals and companies to access their purpose, and to create positive change from that place

Calliope's Vision

We envision a world where every human is able to discover their purpose, and to use their unique gifts to positively impact the world

Company Values

  • Community-Oriented 

  • Purpose-Driven

  • Globally Minded

What Makes Us Different?

  • We’re a women-owned business

  • Our business model puts people before profit 

  • We walk our talk… we’re just as kind behind the scenes as we are front facing

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